Home/Новости/JICA-JST mission visited Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation and Ministry of Energy for Hydrogen Generation Project

JICA-JST mission visited Ministry of Energy for Hydrogen Generation Project

On September 7, 2023, representatives of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Japan Science & Technology Agency (JST) and Kyushu University of Japan, together with UJICY visited Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation (MHESI) and Ministry of Energy (MOE). The Japanese delegation, headed by Mr.Sato (JICA), exchanged views and opinions with the both ministries on implementation of hydrogen generation research projects under SATREPS, a Japanese research fund sponsored by JICA and JST. The both ministries express their support to the project for smooth implementation. The Japanese mission will visit several potential project sites such as National Research Institute for Renewable Energy Sources, oil fields in Kashkadariya and Andijon during their stay in Uzbekistan.





