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Chemistry and Petrochemistry Laboratory

Shakhlo Daminova
Head of Laboratory

Shakhlo Daminova graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry of Termez State University in 1996. Under the guidance of Professor Rashid Kulmatov, she conducted research on "Photometric determination of chromium ions in Surkhandarya water". Later she joined the group of Professor Hasan Sharipov at the Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan and conducted research in the field of coordination chemistry of noble and non-ferrous metals. In 2001 she defended her PhD thesis on 02.00.01-inorganic chemistry. From 2001 to 2010 she worked at Termez State University as a senior lecturer, associate professor, head of the Department of General and Bioorganic Chemistry. In 2010-2016 she moved to the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology and under the guidance of Professor Hasan Sharipov conducted research on “Regularities of sorption of non-ferrous and noble metals with P,S,O,N-containing solid extractants and their structural feature”. Since 2017, she has been working as the head of the laboratory of chemistry and petrochemistry of the State Enterprise “Uzbek-Japan Innovation Center of Youth”. In 2019, she defended her doctoral thesis on the specialties 02.00.01-Inorganic Chemistry and 02.00.04-Physical Chemistry.The scientific work of Shakhlo Daminova is aimed at creation of scientific bases for directed production of new nanostructured solid extractants for separation of rare and non-ferrous metals by establishing the relationship between composition, structure, microstructure and properties, as well as synthesis of new coordination compounds of a number of d-metals with polydentatepolyfunctional organic ligands with different functional groups, study of their crystal and electronic structures, determination of the peculiarities of their structure depending on the electron structure of the solid extractants.

e-mail: daminova_sh@mail.ru

Rishad Kunafiev 
Junior researcher

Kunafiev Rishad received his Master's degree in Organic Chemistry from the National University of Uzbekistan under the supervision of Dr. A. Yuldashev in 2011. Then he joined Dr.Talipov S. X-ray group at the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Uzbek Academy of Sciences as a researcher. In March 2021, he was promoted to a junior researcher position in Prof. Daminova's group. His interests include organometallic chemistry and crystallography, synthesis of nanomaterials and electrocatalysis.

e-mail: chemingrisch2004@gmail.com

Dildora Khakimbayeva 
Laboratory Technician

Khakimbayeva Dildora has been studying at the Chemistry Department of the National University of Uzbekistan since 2018. She studies the sorption process of some rare earth metals with solid extractants.


  • Bronze medal at the 51st International Mendeleev Olympiad in Astana, Kazakhstan (2017);
  • Silver medal at the 52nd International Mendeleev Olympiad in Minsk, Belarus (2018);
  • Bronze medal at the 50th World Olympiad in Chemistry in Bratislava and Prague (2018)
  • Bronze medal at the International Open Olympiad for Students 2019
  • Gold medal at the International Open Olympiad for Students 2021
  • Gold medal at the International Open Olympiad for Students 2021

e-mail: dildoraxakimboyeva10@gmail.com

Bakhtigul Ruziyeva 

Bakhtigul Ruzieva received her master's degree in chemistry from Termez State University of Uzbekistan. Research interests: synthesis and growth of nanoparticles of some complexes of rare earth elements.

e-mail: baxtigul74@mail.ru

General topic of the Chemistry and Petrochemistry Laboratory
Development of sorbents for solid-phase extraction to create an express method for the determination of valuable components in solutions.
Scientific directions

  • Sorbents and photocatalysts
  • Crystallochemical design and synthesis of new coordination compounds
  • `Materials based on activated carbon
  • Biologically active substances
  • Nanosystems and nanotechnologies
Topics of directions
  • Technologies of extraction and further processing of aromatic hydrocarbons
  • Utilization of multi-tonnage industrial waste
  • Development of technology for obtaining especially pure reagents and materials
  • Development of new analytical methods of determination of express-systems for analysis of rare and noble metals
  • Development of sorbents for solid-phase extraction for creation of express-method for determination of valuable components in solutions
  • Studies of catalytic processes for obtaining new types of photocatalysts, biocatalyst based on nanostructures
  • Development of new sorbents for oil and gas and metallurgical industries
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