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Research Projects

Introduction of research projects
Chemistry Laboratory
  1. Applied project Y06-Y05 ‘Development of metal-sulfide materials for photocatalytic purification from organic pollutants of water and air’ (Development of nanomaterials based on bismuth tungstate for visible light photocatalysts) (2017-2018). Project leader Makhmudov H.E.
  2. Applied project Y08 ‘Development of biologics based on biologically active metal coordination compounds of Peganum Harmala carboline alkaloids’. Project leader O.V. Stoyko.
  3. Youth fundamental project MU-FZ-20171025328 ‘Regularities and structure features in modeling of nanoporous activated carbons with specified properties for directed production of sorption materials’ (2018-2019). Project leader Alimov Z.B.
  4. Applied project PP-20170929194 ‘Solid-phase impregnated N,O,P,S-organic reagents polymeric sorbents for complex extraction of valuable components from waste of hydrometallurgical processing of NGMK’ (2018-2020). Project leader Daminova Sh.Sh.
  5. International Uzbek-Indian applied project UZB-Ind-2021-91 ‘Efficient N-4 macrocycles for clean energy’ (2021-2023). Project leader Khojamberdiev M.I.
Energy Laboratory

“Heteroatoms in natural compounds: intermolecular interaction, receptor recognition, pharmacophores” (2016-2020) 
VA-FA-F6-010 Fundamental Project of Uzbekistan Science and Technology Agency
Principal investigator: Institute of Ion-Plasma and Laser Technologies)

  • For the first time, the structural features of the concentration dependences of the excess refractive index of aqueous solutions of aprotic solvents have been established using the molecular dynamics method;
  • For the first time, using refractometry in combination with the molecular dynamics method, concentration ranges were established and the structural features of the concentration dependences of the excess refractive index of aqueous solutions of acetic acid were identified;
  • For the first time, it was established by refractometry that the deviation from the parabolic form of the excess refractive index of aqueous solutions of acetic acid at a concentration of 0.8 mole fractions of acetic acid is associated with the formation of weak induced H-C...C-H bonds;

“Synthesize and characterization of the emerging multi-functional properties of Sulvanite compounds from Theory and Experiment” (2021-2023) 
UZB-Ind-2021-83 International Project Indian-Uzbekistan Joint project, Ministry of Innovative Development of Uzbekistan and Department of Science and Technology of India 
Principal investigator: UJICY

It is shown that the resulting Cu3VS4 samples are a new generation of thin-film solar cells due to the availability of constituent materials and an almost ideal energy gap (1.3–1.5 eV). Various samples were obtained using a new technique using the hydrothermal method, depending on the ratio and concentrations of the starting components.

  • It has been established that the experimental results obtained using the synthesized sulvanite compounds proposed for testing and implementation have advantages over other known reactors in terms of purification and speed. To initiate photocatalysis, it is possible to use radiation sources of both UV-LED and visible wavelength ranges. Sampling during the purification process makes it possible to record the kinetics of water purification by various photocatalytic materials and compare their effectiveness.
  • Based on the results obtained, implementation was carried out at the local and international level.
  • A new hydrothermal method for the synthesis of cubic Cu3VS4 colloidal nanocrystallites with controlled sizes (9 nm, 12 nm and 18 nm) has been developed. As the size of the colloidal nanocrystals decreases, the UV-vis spectra show three distinct absorption peaks that shift to the blue side of the spectrum. 

The presented new class of synthesized nanoparticles and their optical properties, on the one hand, demonstrates the practical application of multicomponent semiconductor materials in the chemistry, and on the other hand, contributes to the deepening of fundamental knowledge about the structure and functioning of particles with a nanoscale structure.

“Study of the structure and spectral features of strong H-bonds in ethanol solutions of dimethylformamide, gasoline, hexane and cyclohexane: experiment and theory.” (2020-2022)
International Project JICA Mirai Fund, Japan
Principal Investigator: UJICY

  • The concentration characteristics of ethanol solutions of dimethylformamide, gasoline, hexane and cyclohexane were established;
  • The analyses of intermolecular interactions, the structure and properties of solvents in heteromolecular structures and the dynamics of hydrogen bonds were conducted in comparison of complementary experimental physical methods (refractometry method, IR and Raman spectroscopy);

"Synthesis of semiconductor nanoparticles in reverse micelles" (2024-2028) 
FZ-20200929314 Local fundamental project funded by the Agency of Fundamental Project of Innovative Development under the Ministry High Education, Science and Innovation
Principal Investigator: UJICY with collaboration of Prof. Toshiaki Hattori (Tsukuba University) 

  • Determination of specific physical mechanisms for the synthesis of semiconductor particles of metal sulfides in a wide range of initial concentrations of components
  • Development of methods for producing semiconductor particles of metal sulfides with specified sizes, composition, structure and shape with a narrow distribution of their characteristics. Determination of the sizes and shapes of synthesized particles by transmission electron and atomic force microscopy, and by the method of molecular dynamics
  • The resulting nanoparticles will be offered for use in LED electronic displays, photovoltaics, photoconductors and detectors, catalysts and sensor electrodes for various applications in the electronics industry, chemical industry, etc. The project will contribute to the development of new highly efficient methods for the synthesis of various functional materials from semiconductor nanoparticles for further use in electronics, photonics, optoelectronics.

“Creation of an energy-saving tile coating based on waste tire crumbs with reflective characteristics ” (2024-2025)
AL-8624042766 Local fundamental project funded by the Agency of Fundamental Project of Innovative Development under the Ministry High Education, Science and Innovation
Principal Investigator: UJICY with collaboration Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Company 

”Leader of Perovskite Team in SATREPS Project with collaboration ICNER and Kyushu University”


Mining and Deep Processing of Mineral Resources Laboratory
Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science Laboratory
  1. Improvement of 3D printer design for manufacturing of machine-building parts
  2. Development of composition of consumables for 3D printer for manufacturing of machine-building details
  3. Development of technology of melting of aluminium alloys for increase of their mechanical properties.
  4. Conservation of electric power at production, Phase protection - (~ ), Frequency converters for 11kW.
  5. Investigation of the possibility of developing advanced photoelectric cells based on the transition ‘organic semiconductor-crystalline semiconductor’