Home/News/Meeting about the “JV-Campus”, Japan's online international education platform.

Meeting about the “JV-Campus”, Japan's online international education platform.



Mr. Akinari Hoshino from Nagoya University, Mr. Ryusuke Oba from Tsukuba University, and Ms. Yoshiko Ikeda from Kansai University visited UJICY.

At the meeting, we received an introduction about the Japan Virtual Campus, a new platform for promoting international education and exchange in Japan that makes use of online education. This platform, which is supported by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, is a platform for not only educational institutions but also companies and organizations to disseminate information, introduce research content, and promote collaboration through their own dedicated areas.

For more information, please see the following website.


In the future, UJICY will also consider using the Japan Virtual Campus to disseminate information about our activities and introduce our research findings in Japanese.


