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Signed Memorandum of Understanding with Kokand University

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UJICY Director Saidmurad Niyazbekov,
Researcher Berdak, and JICA expert for the SATREPS Hydrogen Project, Yukinori Yanagida visited Kokand University.

At Kokand University, they toured the campus.

After that, a memorandum of understanding for mutual understanding was signed between UJICY and Kokand University.
In the future, UJICY and Kokand University plan to cooperate on student and researcher exchange programs, lectures by outstanding scholars in their fields, joint research projects, and more.

In addition, a presentation was given in the auditorium at Kokand University to professors, lecturers, doctoral students, researchers, and students
about UJICY's activities, research, and the environment for supporting young researchers.

We will accelerate our collaboration in the future for the development of both institutions.





