On January 16th Uzbek-Japan Scientific Workshop for technologies for Open Pit Mining was hold by Uzbek Japan Innovation Center of Youth. An online event was organized jointly with Yokohama National University, Kyushu University and Tashkent State Technical University. The workshop was facilitated by the Head of Laboratory on Mining and Mineral Resources – Dr.Sohibjon Matkarimov and opened by UJICY Director – Dr.Nargiza Amirova, who mentioned that mining industry being one of the key drivers of our economy is given the priority significance in Uzbekistan and has been chosen as one of the main area for strategic development of the center for current year as well. Therefore, a great attention is paid to the development of the human capital in this sphere – qualified personnel – to acquire more knowledge and skills, be able to analyze deeply the existing problems, freely share ideas and exchange opinions with international experts.
Japan known as an earthquake-prone country and has accumulated research on geotechnical engineering and know-how on accident countermeasures. Knowledge in this field is also being utilized in the mining industry. Japan has a unique expertise in coal production technology throughout its industrial history. Uzbek-Japan Scientific Workshop for Open Pit Mining provided a good opportunity to exchange knowledge and solve common issues through presentations and the follow-up discussion.