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Scientific articles

Power Engineering Laboratory
1.    Razzokov J, Ismailova O., Mamatkulov S., Trunilina O., Kokhkharov A. Heteromolecular Structures in Aqueous Solutions of Dimethylformamide and Tetrahydrofuran, According to Molecular Dynamics Data. Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry 2014; 88(88), pp. 1500-1506.
2.    Ismailova O., Mamatkulov S., Khabibullaev P. To microscopics of cluster formation in supercritical carbon dioxide and photodetachment (CO2) n- clusters. Doklady Akademii Nauk 2005, 401(4), pp. 489–492
3.    O.B. Ismailova, T.Kh. Akhmedov, Kh.T. Igamberdiev, Sh.I. Mamatkulov,  A.A. Saidov,  Sh.O. Tursunov, P.K. Khabibullaev P.K.  Heat-capacity anomaly in a wide vicinity of the critical point of the triethylamine-water phase transition. Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics 2005, 78(5), pp. 1040–1045
4.    Ismailova O., Mamatkulov S., Khabibullaev P. On the structure of anionic clusters in liquid CO2 and photodisintegration of (CO2)n- clusters. Doklady Physical Chemistry 2005, 401(4-6), pp. 37–40
5.    Mamatkulov S., Ismailova O., Ashirmatov S. The influence of pressure on the stability of clathrate hydrates of hydrogen and tetrahydrofuran. Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2011, 85 (5), pp. 760–766.
6.    Mamatkulov S., Ismailova O., Saidov A., Khabibullaev P., Thermodynamics of tetrahydrofurane clathrate formation. Doklady Russia 2010, 430 (1), pp. 5–9.
7.    I.V. Plastinin S. A. Burikov, S.P. Gofurov, O.B. Ismailova, Y. A. Mirgorod, T. A. Dolenko. Features of self-organization of sodium dodecyl sulfate in water-ethanol solutions: Theory and vibrational spectroscopy. Journal of Molecular Liquids  2020, 298, 112053. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molliq.2019.112053
8.    Makhmanov U., Ismailova O., Kokhkharov A., Zakhidov E., Bakhramov S. Features of self-aggregation of C60 molecules in toluene prepared by different methods. Physics Letters A 2016, 380 (24), pp.2081-2084
9.    S. Makhkamov,  F. Umarova,  A. Normurodov, M. Tashmetov, O. Ismailova. Ab initio investigation of ultrasmall silicon nanocrystal doping by phosphorous. International Journal of Modern Physics B  2020, 34(30), 2050284 https://doi.org/10.1142/S0217979220502847
10.    Sh. Makhkamov,  F. Umarova,   A. Normurodov,   N. Sulaymonov,   O. Ismailova,   A. E. Kiv and M. Yu. Tashmetov. Quantum-Chemical Calculations of Pure and Phosphorous Doped Ultra-Small Silicon Nanocrystals. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A: Chemistry and Biology 2020, pp. 111–121.
11.    Oksengendler B., Ismailova O., Marasulov M., Urolov I. On the degradation mechanism of functioning solar cells based on organic-inorganic perovskites. Applied Solar Energy 2014, 50(4), pp.255-259
12.    Oksengendler B., Ismailova O., M. M. Marasulov, N.N.Turaeva, I.N.Nurgaliev. Possible mechanisms of charge separation during exiton decay in the polymer matrices of third-generation solar cell. Applied Solar Energy 2014; 50(1), pp. 4-9
13.    Ismailova O., Berezin A., Probst M., and Nazmutdinov R.R. Interfacial Bond-Breaking Electron Transfer in Mixed Water-Ethylene Glycol Solutions: Reorganization Energy and Interplay between Different Solvent Modes. J. Phys. Chem. B 2013, 117 (29), pp. 8793-8801. 
14.    Kaiser A., Ismailova O., Koskela A., Huber S., Ritterd M., Cosenza B., Benger. W., Nazmutdinov R., Probst M. Ethylene glycol revisited: molecular dynamics simulations and visualization of the liquid and its hydrogen-bond network. J. Mol. Liquids 2013, 189(100), pp. 20-29
15.    Cappellin L., Karl T., Probst M., Ismailova O., Winkler P., Soukoulis C., Aprea E, Tilmann D., Gasperi F., and Biasioli F. On Quantitative Determination of Volatile Organic Compound Concentrations Using Proton Transfer Reaction Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2012, 46 (4), 2283–2290. DOI: 10.1021/es203985t. 
16.    Gofurov, S., Makhmanov, U., Kokhkharov, A., Ismailova, O.B. Structural and Optical Characteristics of Aqueous Solutions of Acetic Acid. Applied Spectroscopy 2019, 73(5), pp. 503–510
17.    D.T. Bozorova, S.P. Gofurov, A.M. Kokhkharov, O.B. Ismailova.  Terahertz Spectroscopy of Aqueous Solutions of Acetic Acid. Journal of Applied Spectroscopy 2021, 88(4), pp. 719–722.
18.    R. Ren, Zh Xiao, X. Shang, Ch. Li, Zh.Wang, B. Xu, Q. Wang, F. Qi, Y. Liu, A. Ikhlaq, J. Kumirska, E. M. Siedlecka, O. Ismailova.  Indirect oxidation mechanism governing in P-rGO/Ti anode with C2-PO2/rGO configuration for efficient 2-Methyl-4-Isothiazolin-3-one electrooxidation. Chemical Engineering Journal 2023, 461, 141934
19.    R. Ren, Х. Shang, Z. Song, Ch. Li, Zh. Wang, Qi F.; A. Ikhlaq, J. Kumirska, M. E. Siedlecka, O.Ismailova. Active electronic structure derived by Fe-Cl-C coordination of single-atom cathode applied in antibiotics degradation by electro-Fenton: Enhanced transformation of oxygen to hydroxyl radicals via 3-electron pathway. Chemical Engineering Journal 2023, 474, 145545.
20.    Y. Li, Zh. Wang, Ch. Li, F. Qi, P. Yan, Y. Wang, M. He, Zh. Chen, Q. Wang, Yu Wang, H. Zheng, A. Ikhlaq, J. Kumirska, E. M. Siedlecka, O. Ismailova. Reducing agents enhanced prometon degradation by CuBi2O4/peroxymonosulfate: Development of interfacial electron transport and circulation of Cu+/Cu2+.  Chemical Engineering Journal 2023, 470, 144387.
21.    Ch. Li, Zh. Wang, A. Li, Zh.Song, R. Ren, K. Zuo, F. Qi, A. Ikhlaq,  O. Ismailova . Superior performance of catalytic ozonation on molecular-level transformation of effluent organic matter and self-cleaning property in catalytic ozonation membrane reactor. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2023, 338, 123076
22.    Li Chen, Shang Xiaomeng, Wang Zhenbei, Liu Yatao, Li Fan, Jiang Zonglin, Ren Ruijun, Qi Fei, Ikhlaq Amir, Ismailova Oksana, Kadirova Zukhra. Controllable development of a novel MXene-based reactive electrochemical ceramic membrane for efficient treatment of reverse osmosis concentrate. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2025, 504, 158687.
23.    Bozorova D., Gofurov S., Ziyaev M., Ismailova O. Structural features of reverse AOT micelles in water/cyclohexane: molecular dynamics study. East European Journal of Physics, 2024(4), pp. 433–438, 2024.
24.    Gofurov Sh., Bozorova, D., Ismailova O., Kadirova Z. Computational study of band gap and structural effect of doped BiVO4. E3S Web of Conferences, 525, 199732 (2024).
25.    Ruijun Ren, Yunhan Jia, Chen Li, Yatao Liu, Zhenbei Wang, Fan Li, Fei Qi, Amir Ikhlaq, Jolanta Kumirska, Ewa Maria Siedlecka, Oksana Ismailova. Convective diffusion of oxidants by electro-Fenton membrane drives residual drug removal and membrane self-cleaning. Journal of Membrane Science. 712, 123246 (2024)
26.    Li Yujie, Li Chen, Jia, Yunhan, Wang Zhenbei, Liu, Yatao, Zhang, Zitan, DuanChen Xingyu, Ikhlaq Amir, Kumirska Jolanta, Siedlecka Ewa Maria, Ismailova Oksana, Qi Fei. Accurate prediction and intelligent control of COD and other parameters removal from pharmaceutical wastewater using electrocoagulation coupled with catalytic ozonation process. Water Environment Research. 96, e11099 (2024).
27.    Y. Li, Ch. Li, Z. Wang, Y. Liu, Y. Jia, F. Li, R. Ren, A. Ikhlaq, J. Kumirska E. M. Siedlecka, O. Ismailova, F. Qi. Navigating the complexity of pharmaceutical wastewater treatment by “effective strategy, emerging technology, and sustainable solution” Journal of Water Process Engineering June. 2024. 63(1):105404.
28.    Gofurov Shukur Pazlitdinovich Rayimjonova Umidakhon Gayratjon kizi Abdiraimova Odinakhon Sharobidin kizi Kadirova Zukhra Chingizovna Ziyaev Mavlonbek Abdumajitovich Bozorova Dilbar Toshtemirovna Nigmatov Otabek Qahramon og’li Ismailova Oksana Bakhtiyarovna SOLVOTHERMAL AND HYDROTHERMAL SYNTHESIS AND STRUCTURAL CHARACTERIZATION OF BIVO4 NamDU ilmiy axborotnomasi, Namangan -2024 26-avgust 48-52bet.
29.    Chen Li, Zhenbei Wang, Yatao Liu, Ao Li, Yujie Li, Ruijun Ren, Zilong Song, Yu Wang, Fei Qi, Bingbing Xu, Xiao Guan, Amir Ikhlaq, Oksana Ismailova. Effective control of DBPs formation and membrane fouling in catalytic ozonation membrane reactor for municipal waste water. Separation and Purification Technology. 330 2024, 125492
30.    Junda Lai, Zizheng Huangfu, Jiewen Xiao, Zhenbei Wang, Yatao Liu, Chen Li, Fan Li, Yunhan Jia, Qiang Wang, Fei Qi, Amir Ikhlaq, Jolanta Kumirska, Ewa Maria Siedlecka and Oksana Ismailova. Synergistic effect by supported activated carbon between functional groups and metal oxygen vacancies: enhancing ibuprofen degradation by improving ozone mass transfer. Environ. Sci. Water Res. Technol., 2024, 10, 2103–2120