Saidmurad Saidrasulovich Niyazbekov
candidate of technical sciences, PhD.
1994-1999 yy. - Student of the Tashkent Institute of railway engineers
1999-2001 yy. - Master of the Tashkent Institute of railway engineers
2001-2003 yy. - Trainee researcher of the Department of bridges and tunnels of the Tashkent Institute of railway engineers
2003-2007 yy. - Graduate student of the Central Research Institute of transport construction of Moscow
2007-2010 yy. - Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor of the Department of railway construction, road and Road economy of the Tashkent Institute of railway engineers
2010-2012 yy. - Head of the Department of railway construction, Highways and Road Management of the Tashkent Institute of railway engineers
2012-2016 yy. - Consultant on secondary specialized and vocational education of the Service for Science, Education, Health and Sports Development of the Office of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and a leading consultant on higher education
2016-2017 yy. - Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the Tashkent Institute of Design, Construction and Operation of Highways
2017-2023 yy. - Head of the main Department of Higher Education Standards and regulatory provision of the Ministry of Higher and secondary special education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Head of the Department of Educational Standards and Regulatory Support
2023 y. - h.v. - Director of the Uzbek-Japan Innovation Center of Youth at Tashkent State Technical U